GAL Sync Account: Difference between revisions

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Line 102: Line 102:
zmprov cds gal AnotherGAL zimbraDataSourceEnabled TRUE zimbraDataSourceFolderId 257 \
zmprov cds gal AnotherGAL zimbraDataSourceEnabled TRUE zimbraDataSourceFolderId 257 \
zimbraDataSourcePollingInterval 1d \
zimbraDataSourcePollingInterval 1d \
zimbraGalStatus enabled
zimbraGalStatus enabled \
zimbraGalSyncLdapBindDn uid=zimbra,cn=admins,cn=zimbra \
zimbraGalSyncLdapBindDn uid=zimbra,cn=admins,cn=zimbra \
zimbraGalSyncLdapBindPassword thePassword \
zimbraGalSyncLdapBindPassword thePassword \

Revision as of 19:39, 28 September 2009


Enabling a GAL sync account will permit browsing and paging of the global address list when selecting contacts during message composition with the Zimbra web client. Contact data from Zimbra's internal GAL and external sources can be synced to the account. The galsync account is a resource account and does not consume a Zimbra license.

To setup an account properly for sync, there must be

  • A GAL sync account
  • An internal or external datasource on the GAL sync account.

Setting Up Internal GAL Sync

For the internal setup, the internal datasource is automatically created when using the following steps.

Admin Console

  1. In the server admin console, select a domain for GAL sync under "Domains".
  2. Click "Configure GAL".
  3. Set "GAL mode:" "Internal".
  4. Enter a value for "Most results returned by GAL Search".
  5. Set "Datasource" name to InternalGAL.
  6. Enter a GAL polling interval. The GAL polling interval is the time between syncs to the internal LDAP.
  7. Next, then Finish.
  8. To force sync, go to the CLI and use zmgsautil
zmgsautil forceSync -a -n InternalGAL

Command Line

zmgsautil createAccount -a -n InternalGAL --domain -t zimbra -f _InternalGAL
zmgsautil forceSync -a -n InternalGA

Setting Up External GAL Sync

Every domain in the Zimbra installation can have a single Active Directory or external LDAP GAL configuration. The first external datasource for the galsync account will use the external LDAP or Active Directory GAL configuration. Additional datasources require the configuration for the external source to be within the datasource itself. For example, consider this external GAL configuration for AD:

## Get Domain
zmprov gd | grep -i gal
zimbraGalLdapBindDn: CN=galsync, OU=Service Accounts, OU=Servers, DC=Corp, DC=domain, DC=com
zimbraGalLdapBindPassword: thePassword
zimbraGalLdapFilter: ad
zimbraGalLdapPageSize: 1000
zimbraGalLdapSearchBase: DC=Corp, DC=domain, DC=com
zimbraGalLdapURL: ldap://
zimbraGalMaxResults: 100
zimbraGalMode: both
zimbraGalSyncInternalSearchBase: DOMAIN

## Get Datasource 
zmprov gds
# name ActiveDirectoryGAL
# type gal
objectClass: zimbraDataSource
objectClass: zimbraGalDataSource
zimbraCreateTimestamp: 20090728211318Z
zimbraDataSourceEnabled: TRUE
zimbraDataSourceFolderId: 257
zimbraDataSourceId: 4c94f205-43fb-4706-a13b-8ce64eadde4e
zimbraDataSourceName: ActiveDirectoryGAL
zimbraDataSourcePollingInterval: 1d
zimbraDataSourceType: gal
zimbraGalLastFailedSyncTimestamp: 20090818071009Z
zimbraGalLastSuccessfulSyncTimestamp: 20090925155938Z
zimbraGalStatus: enabled
zimbraGalType: ldap

The ActiveDirectoryGAL datasource uses the GAL configuration stored in the domain's GAL configuration attributes.

Admin Console

  1. Specify "GAL mode:" as one of "External" or "Both".
  2. Choose a datasource name. E.g., ActiveDirectoryGAL or ExternalGAL.
  3. Enter a polling interval.
  4. Specify "Server type" and configure the the rest of the external GAL settings.

Command Line

If the external GAL was configured on the command line, or is already configured without a datasource, zmgsautil can be used to setup the external LDAP datasource. If the galsync account is being created for the first time and external GAL is configured, the datasource will be setup with the zmgsautil createAccount command.

zmgsautil createAccount -a -n ExternalGAL --domain domain -t ldap -f _ExternalGAL

Adding Additional Datasources

Additional datasources can be configured manually with zmprov.

  • Retrieve current datasources for the galsync account.
## Get Datasource 
zmprov gds
# name ActiveDirectoryGAL
# type gal
objectClass: zimbraDataSource
objectClass: zimbraGalDataSource
zimbraCreateTimestamp: 20090728211318Z
zimbraDataSourceEnabled: TRUE
zimbraDataSourceFolderId: 257
zimbraDataSourceId: 4c94f205-43fb-4706-a13b-8ce64eadde4e
zimbraDataSourceName: ActiveDirectoryGAL
zimbraDataSourcePollingInterval: 1d
zimbraDataSourceType: gal
zimbraGalLastFailedSyncTimestamp: 20090818071009Z
zimbraGalLastSuccessfulSyncTimestamp: 20090925155938Z
zimbraGalStatus: enabled
zimbraGalType: ldap
  • Optionally create a new contact folder in the galsync account to store the GAL with zmmailbox. Note the return folder Id.
zmmailbox -z -m createFolder --view contact /_AnotherGAL
  • Add new datasource with zmprov.
zmprov cds gal AnotherGAL zimbraDataSourceEnabled TRUE zimbraDataSourceFolderId 257 \
zimbraDataSourcePollingInterval 1d \
zimbraGalStatus enabled \
zimbraGalSyncLdapBindDn uid=zimbra,cn=admins,cn=zimbra \
zimbraGalSyncLdapBindPassword thePassword \
zimbraGalSyncLdapFilter '(&(mail=*)(zimbraAccountStatus=active)(!(zimbraHideInGAL=TRUE)))' \
zimbraGalSyncLdapPageSize 100 \
zimbraGalSyncLdapSearchBase dc=anotherdomain,dc=com \
zimbraGalSyncLdapURL ldap:// \
zimbraGalType ldap
  • Finally, show all datasources for the galsync account.
zmprov gds
# name ActiveDirectoryGAL
# type gal
objectClass: zimbraDataSource
objectClass: zimbraGalDataSource
zimbraCreateTimestamp: 20090728211318Z
zimbraDataSourceEnabled: TRUE
zimbraDataSourceFolderId: 257
zimbraDataSourceId: 4c94f205-43fb-4706-a13b-8ce64eadde4e
zimbraDataSourceName: ActiveDirectoryGAL
zimbraDataSourcePollingInterval: 1d
zimbraDataSourceType: gal
zimbraGalLastFailedSyncTimestamp: 20090818071009Z
zimbraGalLastSuccessfulSyncTimestamp: 20090925155938Z
zimbraGalStatus: enabled
zimbraGalType: ldap

# name AnotherGAL
# type gal
objectClass: zimbraDataSource
objectClass: zimbraGalDataSource
zimbraCreateTimestamp: 20090729085331Z
zimbraDataSourceEnabled: TRUE
zimbraDataSourceFolderId: 25212
zimbraDataSourceId: 1fb50a98-7168-4ade-98e0-fccd414047a2
zimbraDataSourceName: AnotherGAL
zimbraDataSourcePollingInterval: 1d
zimbraDataSourceType: gal
zimbraGalLastSuccessfulSyncTimestamp: 20090925124604Z
zimbraGalStatus: enabled
zimbraGalSyncLdapBindDn: uid=zimbra,cn=admins,cn=zimbra
zimbraGalSyncLdapBindPassword: thePassword
zimbraGalSyncLdapFilter: (&(mail=*)(zimbraAccountStatus=active)(!(zimbraHideInGAL=TRUE)))
zimbraGalSyncLdapPageSize: 100
zimbraGalSyncLdapSearchBase: dc=anotherdomain,dc=com
zimbraGalSyncLdapURL: ldap://
zimbraGalType: ldap

The server providing data to the AnotherGAL datasource just happens to be an external Zimbra server, but could be any other LDAP or AD. Be sure to use zimbraGALType ldap and not zimbra if the external LDAP is Zimbra. The zimbra GAL type is reserved for the internal GAL only.


Verified Against: ZCS 6.0.x Date Created: 09/25/2009
Article ID: Date Modified: 2009-09-28

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