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Zimbra AjaxTk->DHTML Widget Toolkit->Widgets

DwtColorPicker(parent, className, posStyle)

the widget parent, can be a DwtShell (or a DwtMenu????)
the name of a css style class to be assigned to the widget


Creates a color picker displaying "Web safe" colours. Instances of this class may be used with DwtMenu to create a ColorPicker menu. Clicking on a color cell generates a DwtSelectionEvent the detail attribute of which contains the color string associated the cell on which the user clicked


 function launch() {
   var DBG = new AjxDebug(AjxDebug.NONE, null, false);
   /* We always have to create a DwtShell as the root of our component
    * hierarchy and does some handy things for us.
   var shell = new DwtShell("MainShell", false, null, null, true);
   /* Setting the shell to be virtual tells it that it should remain hidden.
    * Direct children of the shell will actually have their HTML elements
    * reparented to the body element. This is handy when we want to mix
    * components in with existing HTML content
    * Now we will create a listener to handle the selection and the picker widget
   var listener = new AjxListener(null, colorListener);
   var colorPicker = new DwtColorPicker(shell);
   // add the listener to the widget
   // Get the div into which we want to place the picker
   var div = document.getElementById('primary_color_picker');
   // Clean out any content
   div.innerHTML = "";
   // Reparent the picker's HTML element to the div
 function colorListener(event)
   // just an alert box with the selected color number
 // Make it happen

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