Delete Messages

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Delete Messages

   KB 20617        Last updated on 2015-07-11  

(0 votes)

I stole this from vavai in the forums, but this is to delete messages from all queues that contain a certain e-mail address. I used it to delete all messages sent from a compromised account.

You must run the mailq command as Zimbra.

su - zimbra
mailq | more

Change password and locked/closed account only prevent new spam message. It doesn't remove queue message Use the following script to remove spam message from queue :

Save the following block as the command pfdel, set it as executable, then run it as specified in the top of the script.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# pfdel - deletes message containing specified address from
# Postfix queue. Matches either sender or recipient address.
# Usage: pfdel <email_address>

use strict;

# Change these paths if necessary.
my $LISTQ = "/opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postqueue -p";
my $POSTSUPER = "/opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postsuper";

my $email_addr = "";
my $qid = "";
my $euid = $>;

if ( @ARGV !=  1 ) {
    die "Usage: pfdel <email_address>\n";
} else {
    $email_addr = $ARGV[0];

if ( $euid != 0 ) {
        die "You must be root to delete queue files.\n";

open(QUEUE, "$LISTQ |") ||
  die "Can't get pipe to $LISTQ: $!\n";

my $entry = <QUEUE>;    # skip single header line
$/ = "";        # Rest of queue entries print on
            # multiple lines.
while ( $entry = <QUEUE> ) {
    if ( $entry =~ / $email_addr$/m ) {
        ($qid) = split(/\s+/, $entry, 2);
        $qid =~ s/[\*\!]//;
        next unless ($qid);

        # Execute postsuper -d with the queue id.
        # postsuper provides feedback when it deletes
        # messages. Let its output go through.
        if ( system($POSTSUPER, "-d", $qid) != 0 ) {
            # If postsuper has a problem, bail.
            die "Error executing $POSTSUPER: error " .
               "code " .  ($?/256) . "\n";

if (! $qid ) {
    die "No messages with the address <$email_addr> " .
      "found in queue.\n";

exit 0;

Verified Against: Zimbra Collaboration 6.0, 5.0 Date Created: 04/16/2014
Article ID: Date Modified: 2015-07-11

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