Create a distribution list that contains all the addresses in a domain

Create a distribution list that contains all the addresses in a domain

   KB 21857        Last updated on 2015-07-11  

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Create a distribution list that contains all the addresses in a domain.


Run the following from the CLI:

zmprov cddl memberURL 'ldap:///??sub?(&(objectClass=zimbraAccount)(ZimbraAccountStatus=active))' zimbraIsACLGroup FALSE

The 'ZimbraAccountStatus=active' specifies that only active accounts are added. We can similarly add more filters as well.

This can also be done from the admin console:

  • Go to Manage > Distribution Lists.
  • Click 'New' from the gear icon
  • Add a dynamic distribution list name. Don't add members to the list.
  • Click "Next" to configure the dynamic DL
  • For the 'Member URL' field, select 'ldap:///??sub?(&(objectClass=zimbraAccount)(ZimbraAccountStatus=active))' to create a DL for all active accounts.

Additional Content

Verified Against: Zimbra Collaboration 8.6, 8.5, 8.0 Date Created: 04/10/2015
Article ID: Date Modified: 2015-07-11

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Wiki/KB reviewed by SME1 SME2 Copyeditor Last edit by Jorge de la Cruz
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