
Note: This page will be reorganized into proper documentation once I actually figure out my issues. In the meantime, it's more of a work in progress.

Migrating from OSX Server (10.4, 32-bit) to Debian/Ubuntu 64-bit

MacOS X ZCS version: 6.0.15_GA_2995.MACOSXx86

Tutorial I followed (mostly): Platform and OS Independent ZCS to ZCS Migration Using Rsync

Steps involved:

  • Rsync from OSX /opt/zimbra to /opt/zimbra.old on Debian
  • Installing the 6.0.15_GA DEBIAN5 package
  • Moving /opt/zimbra to /opt/
  • Moving /opt/zimbra.old to /opt/zimbra
  • rm /opt/zimbra/openldap-*
  • cp -R /opt/* /opt/zimbra/
  • following the LDAP restore steps described in Network_Edition:_Moving_from_32-bit_to_64-bit_Server
  • doing an upgrade install of 6.0.15_GA DEBIAN5 on top of the rsync'd and ldap'd /opt/zimbra
  • Pausing at "Saving existing configuration file to /opt/zimbra/.saveconfig
  • Copying the ORIGINAL /opt/zimbra/config.***** to to /opt/zimbra/.saveconfig/ (I could tell it was the right one because when I did a tail on it, the last line was INSTALL_PACKAGES="zimbra-apache ... etc.). If I failed to do this step, then the Zimbra script would happily overwrite everything with a blank config and I'd be back to square 1.

Issues so far:

  • No stats (possible resolution in progres...)

Troubleshooting ZCS 7 installation on Debian 6.0 (Squeeze)

ZCS/ZD Version: 7.1.4_GA_2555.DEBIAN5_64 DEBIAN6_64 FOSS edition


/opt/zimbra/libexec/zmsyslogsetup returns "cat: /var/run/syslog*.pid: No such file or directory"

This is due to lack of official support for Debian Squeeze in ZCS7, and the fact that we've installed the Debian Lenny (5.0) package. In this case, we need to edit the script to recognize that the DEBIAN6 platform uses rsyslogd like DEBIAN5.

Edit /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmsyslogsetup and replace line 480 with the following:

} elsif ( $platform =~ /DEBIAN5/ || $platform =~ /DEBIAN6/ || $platform =~ /F10/ || $platform =~ /F11/ ) {

Message in admin console: "Server status data is not available. To see the server status, logger service must be installed."

Following the steps posted on Brian's notes page: Brian-Notes

1. Verify all items under general problems.

... Working on that...

2. Verify crontab entry for zmstatuslog

zimbra@mail:~$ crontab -l | grep zmstatuslog
*/2 * * * * /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmstatuslog > /dev/null 2>&1

3. Verify status log entries in /var/log/zimbra.log

   % /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmstatuslog
   % tail -20 /var/log/zimbra.log | grep STATUS

No output...?

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