Conversion: Unable to instantiate MIME handler

Revision as of 15:30, 23 February 2009 by Abhullar (talk | contribs)


Document conversion may not function properly after migrating from ZCS FOSS to Network Edition. The problem can be identified by:

  • Search for known string found in an attachment like PDF or DOC does not return the message containing the attachment.
  • View as html results in file download.


MIME handlers for conversion are not updated during migration.


Update the MIME handler configuration in the Zimbra directory. Also, It is strongly recommended version 2 of conversion be used on a production Zimbra mailbox server.

Check and update conversion version 2

$ zmlocalconfig convertd_version 
convertd_version = 1

Run the ZCS Installer and choose the Zimbra-Convertd service and choose Upgrade option.

Choose the option to upgrade: Y Do you wish to upgrade? [Y]

Yes to isntall convertd: Install zimbra-convertd [N] Y

After the upgrade completes, run below command:

$ /opt/zimbra/convertd/bin/upgrade_v2
$ zmcontrol stop
$ zmcontrol start

See the Zimbra release notes for further details.

Fix MIME handler configuration

Place the following LDIF file into the /tmp directory on the Zimbra LDAP server and make it readable for the zimbra user. This LDIF is to be used with conversion V2.


dn: cn=all,cn=mime,cn=config,cn=zimbra
changetype: modify
replace: zimbraMimeHandlerClass
zimbraMimeHandlerClass: ConverterHandler
replace: zimbraMimeHandlerExtension
zimbraMimeHandlerExtension: convertd
replace: description
description: All Documents

dn: cn=text/enriched,cn=mime,cn=config,cn=zimbra
changetype: modify
replace: zimbraMimeHandlerClass
zimbraMimeHandlerClass: com.zimbra.cs.mime.handler.TextEnrichedHandler

dn: cn=text/plain,cn=mime,cn=config,cn=zimbra
changetype: modify
replace: zimbraMimeHandlerClass
zimbraMimeHandlerClass: com.zimbra.cs.mime.handler.TextEnrichedHandler

Run these commands as the zimbra user.

$ source ~/bin/zmshutil
$ zmsetvars
$ ldapmodify -x -H $ldap_master_url -D $zimbra_ldap_userdn -w $zimbra_ldap_password -f /tmp/fixconversion.ldif

Restart all mailbox servers

$ zmmailboxdctl restart


Bug 28851 "View as html" doesn't work after upgrading from FOSS to NE

Keywords: conversion convertd

Verified Against: Zimbra Collaboration Suite 5.0.10 Date Created: 11/24/2008
Article ID: Date Modified: 2009-02-23

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