Controlling Behavior For Messages Sent To Over Quota Mailbox - SMTP

Admin Article

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This article applies to the following ZCS versions.

ZCS 8.6 Article ZCS 8.6 ZCS 8.5 Article ZCS 8.5 ZCS 8.0 Article ZCS 8.0

Controlling Behavior For Messages Sent To Over Quota Mailbox - SMTP


Controlling Behavior For Messages Sent To Over Quota Mailbox - SMTP


Our current quote behavior can cause backscatter issues. Since, if zimbraLmtpPermanentFailureWhenOverQuota is set to TRUE we generate a bounce rather than a reject on the incoming message. This is because we don’t check for quota prior to the lmtp delivery to the maelstore vs. checking the quota on the mat’s and rejecting it there. An RFE has already been submitted on this :

Additional Content

Verified Against: Zimbra Collaboration 8.6, 8.5, 8.0 Date Created: 04/26/2015
Article ID: Date Modified: 2015-04-27

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Wiki/KB reviewed by SME1 SME2 Copyeditor Last edit by Jorge de la Cruz
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