Configuring for IP V6

Admin Article

Article Information

This article applies to the following ZCS versions.

ZCS 7.0 Article ZCS 7.0

Zimbra Server with IPv6

As Internet Protocol version 4 is slowly being phased out, there is continued pressure to move to existing in either an IPv4/IPv6 mixed environment for an IPv6 only environment. This article discusses how to configure Zimbra so that it can work with IPv6. In the 7.0 release series, IPv6 support is limited, so special configuration is required.

Configuring ZCS to work in an IPv6 environment

Currently, only a few services support IPv6 in the Zimbra Suite. To configure your Zimbra installation to allow IPv6, the following must be done.

A special "edge" node, i.e., a node on the public Internet with IPv6 enabled must be installed with the zimbra-proxy and zimbra-mta packages. This edge node must have an IPv4 localhost definition of in addition to the IPv6 host IP address and IPv6 localhost. This edge node can also have IPv4 enabled for the public interface as well if running in a mixed mode is desired.

Once this edge node is installed, you can configure it to run in one of two ways:

ipv6 - Only IPv6 address for the host
both - Use both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for the host

This is controlled via Server config key zimbraIPMode which can have the value of both for IPv4 and IPv6 operation or ipv6 for IPv6 only operation on the edge node. It can be modified via zmprov.

The IPv6 address range must also be added to the zimbraMtaMyNetworks setting for this server via zmprov. For example:

zmprov ms zimbraMtaMyNetworks " [::1]/128 x.x.x.x/x [xxxx:xxxx:xxxx::x]/x"

After these two steps are done, do a zmcontrol stop followed by a zmcontrol start. The server will now be IPv6 enabled.

Verified Against: ZCS 7.0 Date Created: 12/5/2011
Article ID: Date Modified: 2012-08-30

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