Composing a new message causes an authentication window to appear

Revision as of 00:20, 31 July 2018 by Sujit (talk | contribs)

Composing a new message causes an authentication window to appear


Composing a new message causes an authentication window to appear


This comes up because the user's signature consists of an image that isn't publicly accessible.

Step 1

To fix this, first set the zimbraPublicHostname to a publicly accessible hostname :

zmprov md zimbraPublicServiceHostname

Step 2

And then check the user's signature for any image that is accessed by an internal hostname :

zmprov gsig

Step 3

If there is one, reattach the image so that the new value of zimbraPublicServiceHostname is picked up.

This external link contains more information about formatting.

Submitted by: Shashank Tewari

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