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Overview of Chat and Video integrations in Zimbra

Here is a short overview of all the Chat/Video integrations that are available for Zimbra. In the table you can not only find what products have integrations with Zimbra, but also if they are free to use and if they are to be deployed in-house (on-premises) or are a SaaS offering.

Product / Link Chat/Video SaaS or on-premises Costs
Big Blue Button Video on-premises Free, commercial support available
IMMail Video+Chat Saas via Zimbra 10 Paid
Jitsi Video SaaS or on-premises Free
Lifesize Video SaaS Paid
Nextcloud Talk Video+Chat on-premises Free, commercial support available
Slack Chat SaaS Paid
Startmeeting Video SaaS Paid
Webex Video SaaS Paid

You can also use these 2 links to find all Zimlets in the chat or video category in the Zimlets Gallery:

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