Changing default page Advanced Client to Basic Client


Advanced Client is Zimbra Webclient default mode which some people consider too slow especially on older computers. On Requested Feature Entry those people asked for options to turn Advanced Client mode to other - HTML-based - Basic Client mode.

Modification Steps

Changing Zimbra Web client from Advanced Client mode to Basic Client mode is actually as simple as changing URL in Zimbra server:     - Advanced Client   - Basic Client

So, by simply add another webserver - Apache, in this case - to redirect user as soon as they landed on a URL to Zimbra Basic Client URL, administrators can customize entire domain's default page behaviour.

Since Zimbra is using port TCP/80 (HTTP) on installation procedure, Apache is surely will not able to serve first landing URL page. Therefore Zimbra have to move to other port, anonymously most frequent choosen is port TCP/81. First, to make sure Zimbra is really using TCP/80 port, in Linux, administrators can use commandline:

# lsof -P -i -n|grep ":80"|grep java

It will show, similar to:


Now, to change Zimbra HTTP port from TCP/80 to TCP/81, in Linux' root, administrator must use commandline:

# su zimbra
$ zmprov
zmprov> ms zimbraMailPort 81
zmprov> exit
$ tomcat restart
$ exit

Now, to make sure Zimbra HTTP port is changed to TCP/81, administrators can use above commandline with slightly changing parameter:

# lsof -P -i -n|grep ":81"|grep java

Next, arrange Apache to serve a static HTML page - say, index.html - for your first landing URL. This index.html file will contains following HTML code:

     CONTENT="0; URL=">

Administrators should modify second landing URL above to point to Zimbra's new URL. Notice port 81 is now part of second landing URL. When mail users open mailserver URL, they will instantly redirected to Zimbra Basic Client mode without user interaction.


Some administrator of HTTP Proxy - most popular perhaps Squid Cache - sometimes restricts their users by automagically redirect traffic of destination port TCP/80 to HTTP Proxy's port. This is known as Transparent caching. When Squid administrators employs Transparent caching, only stating port TCP/80 (HTTP) and TCP/443 (HTTPS) in Squid configuration, and in combination with very restrictive firewall (denied everything but HTTP and HTTPS), it is more likely their users will experience Zimbra Web client load failure.

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