Changing ZCS Time Zones

Revision as of 22:05, 6 October 2008 by Cfremon (talk | contribs) (→‎VTIMEZONE Definitions: saving initial changes)

Time zones change when governments change daylight saving time policies. When a time zone changes, it is necessary to change the time zone settings in ZCS. This article discusses the tools and steps used to change time zone settings in a deployed Zimbra Collaboration Suite server.

To read more about how ZCS interacts with time zones, see Time Zones in ZCS.

ZCS Time Zone Tools

The following tools are used to define and change time zone settings in ZCS.


The timezones.ics file contains a list of well-known time zones. This file is a valid iCalendar (RFC2445) object containing a VTIMEZONE block for each time zone. It is located in /opt/zimbra/conf/.

The basic client and other JSP-based clients must know an account's default time zone to render the Calendar view. Calendar resource accounts (e.g. conference rooms) must have a default time zone set to auto-accept/decline meetings. These default time zones must be chosen from the time zones defined in the timezones.ics file.

To change a time zone, you must locate and edit its VTIMZONE definition. The following section identifies each part of the VTIMEZONE definitions.

VTIMEZONE Definitions

The following VTIMEZONE definition is for the US Pacific time zone.

TZID:(GMT-08.00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

The following table identifies the properties of the VTIMEZONE definition.





zmtzupdate rule file

Example Rule File


Changing a ZCS Time Zone Setting

Name Description
BEGIN <VTIMEZONE> Defines the start of a VTIMEZONE definition.
VTIMEZONE Attributes
TZID This is the name of the time zone being defined.

Important: This element should not be modified.

LAST-MODIFIED This is a time stamp indicating when the time zone definition was last modified. While this is not currently used, it is recommended that you update the time stamp when you modify the definition. The time is given in the form of <YYYYMMDD>T<hhmmss>Z. For example, the LAST-MODIFIED value for a definition that was modified October 5th, 2008 at 2:41pm would be 20081005T144100Z.
BEGIN <STANDARD|DAYLIGHT> This defines the following parts of the definition as a group of rules for standard time or daylight savings time. A time zone that uses daylight savings time will have two BEGIN entries, one defining standard time and the other defining daylight savings time. A time zone that doesn't use daylight savings time will only have one BEGIN entry defining standard time.
Verified Against: ZCS 5.0.x Date Created: 10/6/2008
Article ID: Date Modified: 2008-10-06

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