Change OpenLDAP slapd Logging

Revision as of 02:49, 18 November 2006 by Drwiii (talk | contribs)

Zimbra platform leverages powerful OpenLDAP Directory Service as identity basis for Zimbra services.


Two common things that you may want to change from default OpenLDAP slapd configuration:

  1. change logging location (Zimbra default: /var/log/zimbra.log).
  2. change slapd log level.

Change slapd logging location:
Requires two changes to (a) way zimbra starts slapd,  and (b) syslog config.

1. Edit file:   /opt/zimbra/bin/ldap
2. Find following line:  "sudo /opt/zimbra/openldap-2.3.21/libexec/slapd -l LOCAL0 ..." 
3. Duplicate the line and comment one line (ie. add "#" to beginning -- to save original version).
4. Modify the non-commented line and remove the "-l LOCAL0" portion. 

The default OpenLDAP slapd logging is to syslog facility Local4

Now update /etc/syslogd.conf and add following line at bottom:
 local4.*     /var/log/slapd.conf

Restart syslogd and zimbra (zmcontrol stop/start) for your changes to take affect.
Change slapd log level:

zmlocalconfig -e ldap_log_level=<number>

Typical example:  zmlocalconfig -e ldap_log_level=256

Note:   '256' will provide insight into connections, operations, and search filters.


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