Bulk Provisioning

Revision as of 19:33, 23 January 2007 by Dlbewley (talk | contribs) (add passwd2zmprov, reformat, add category)
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Zmprov Command Files

The zmprov command will accept commands from a file. Just pass the commands in on standard input like this:

 zmprov < mydata.zmp

Below are some ways to create a command file from your existing account data.

Passwd File to Zmprov

Following is a perl script to take a passwd file and turn it into a zmprov command file for account provisioning.

# $Id: passwd2zmprov,v 2007/01/23 18:04:38 dlbewley Exp $
# Description:
#   Tool to create commands suitable for zmprov from a unix passwd file.
#   We don't use getpwent etc., because we are likely working on a copy.
# See Also:
#   http://wiki.zimbra.com/index.php?title=Bulk_Create
# Usage:
#    ./passwd2zmprov /etc/passwd > users.zmp
#    zmprov < users.zmp

my $DOMAIN='hostname.foo.bar'; # zimbra installation domain name
my $MIN_UID=500;  # skip system accounts like httpd
my $MAX_UID=5000; # skip other system accounts like nfsnobody
my $PASSWORD='password'; # default password
# Zimbra Class Of Service for users
my $COS_ID = 'e00000a0-0c00-00d0-000a-000d00afea0a'; # use during testing only
#my $COS_ID = `su - zimbra -c 'zmprov gc Default |grep zimbraId:'`;
#$COS_ID =~ s/zimbraId:\s*|\s*$//g;

while(<>) {
    my ($uname,$x,$uid,$gid,$gecos) = split(/:/);
    if (! ($MIN_UID < $uid && $uid < $MAX_UID)) {
        warn "skipping $uname, $uid not between $MIN_UID and $MAX_UID";

    my $date = localtime(time);
    my ($fullname,$description) = split(/\s*,\s*/,$gecos,2);
    my ($fname,$initial,$lname) = split(/\s+/,$fullname);
    if (! $lname) {
        $lname = $initial;
        undef $initial;
    my $displayname = "$fname $initial $lname";
    $displayname =~ s/\s+/ /;

    print qq{ca $uname\@$DOMAIN "$PASSWORD"\n};
    print qq{ma $uname\@$DOMAIN zimbraCOSid "$COS_ID"\n};
    print qq{ma $uname\@$DOMAIN givenName "$fname"\n};
    print qq{ma $uname\@$DOMAIN sn "$lname"\n};
    print qq{ma $uname\@$DOMAIN cn "$uname"\n};
    print qq{ma $uname\@$DOMAIN displayName "$displayname"\n};
    print qq{ma $uname\@$DOMAIN description "$description"\n};
    print qq{ma $uname\@$DOMAIN zimbraNotes "Migrated $date"\n};
    print qq{ma $uname\@$DOMAIN zimbraPasswordMustChange TRUE\n};
    print qq{\n};

To execute:

 perl passwd2zmprov < passwd > mydata.zmp

CSV File to Zmprov

Following is a simple perl script to take a CSV file and turn it into the correct zmprov commands

# Lookup the valid COS (Class of Service) ID in the interface or like this
my $cosid = `su - zimbra -c 'zmprov gc Default |grep zimbraId:'`;
$cosid =~ s/zimbraId:\s*|\s*$//g;
while (<>) {
       # CHANGE ME: To the actual fields you use in your CSV file
       my ($email, $password, $first, $last) = split(/\,/, $_, 4);
       my ($uid, $domain) = split(/@/, $email, 2);
       print qq{ca $uid\@$domain $password\n};
       print qq{ma $uid\@$domain zimbraCOSid "$cosid"\n};
       print qq{ma $uid\@$domain givenName "$first"\n};
       print qq{ma $uid\@$domain sn "$last"\n};
       print qq{ma $uid\@$domain cn "$uid"\n};
       print qq{ma $uid\@$domain displayName "$first $last"\n};
       print qq{ma $uid\@$domain zimbraPasswordMustChange TRUE\n};
       print qq{\n};

The above is only a starting place, you will need to change other options (eg: the zimbraPasswordMustChange is an example only) and of course how you create and split the input data.

Also, some CSV files may contain quotes you want to remove.

To execute:

 perl csv2zmprov < mydata.csv > mydata.zmp
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