Bash Scripts for cbpolicyd

Revision as of 10:11, 18 January 2023 by Barry de Graaff (talk | contribs)

Bash Scripts for CBPolicyD

   KB 20646        Last updated on 2023-01-18  

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Automated cbpolicd installer for single-server. Tested on Zimbra 8.8.15 p7 CentOS7, Zimbra 9.0.0 p29 CentOS 7, Zimbra 9.0.0 patch 29 on Ubuntu 20, Zimbra 10 on Ubuntu 20.

  • Installs policyd on MariaDB or MySQL (shipped with Zimbra) and show commands on how to activate on Zimbra
  • No webui is installed

You can download the script from here and run it as root:

You can use mysqldump to make backups of your policyd database. It is recommended you keep a copy of the up-to-date with your custom policies and rules so that you can easily re-install policyd on Zimbra upgrades or in disaster recovery situations. You can also install policyd on a separate MariaDB server that way you can have multiple Zimbra MTA nodes talk to the same policyd database.

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