
Revision as of 22:20, 18 July 2008 by Ajcody (talk | contribs)

Sorry for not changing from wiki markup, this was done win doc format.

zimbra-archive (the package/rpm you see from the installer) should be installed on all mailstores which you want to use for cross mailbox search. This also sets the zimbraComponentAvailable archiving config attribute which allows the mta(s) to turn on archiving. zimbra-archive is not installed directly on the mta, it's just enabled.

You install zimbra-archive on a mailbox server but the service runs on the mta node.

If you add zimbra-archiving to an existing install you need to install it on one or more mailbox servers and then set zimbraServiceInstalled archiving and zimbraServiceEnabled archiving on all the mta nodes.

zmprov ms mta.example.com +zimbraServiceInstalled archiving +zimbraServiceEnabled archiving
Reference documents : 

Installing Zimbra Mailbox Server for a Archive and Discovery mailstore

This install assumes you have an existing LDAP/Mailstore/MTA server(s) for your normal production environment, the Zimbra license and logger are installed on the primary ZCS server(s), and that you are NOT running the proxy module. 
Example archive mailstore hostname is :  archive.example.com
Example primary ZCS hostname is : mail.example.com

Preliminary items.
	DNS entry for new mailstore and primary ZCS server(s) can resolve to it.
	DNS configured properly on mailstore server.
	Master Root LDAP Server  mail.example.com
	Master Root LDAP Password
On LDAP server do : su – zimbra ; zmlocalconfig –s ldap_root_password
	Master LDAP port – default is 389
	SMTP Server
Install modules
Type y to install the zimbra-store, zimbra-archiving and zimbra-spell (optional) packages. When zimbra-spell is installed the zimbra-apache package is also installed.
Installing:  zimbra-core  zimbra-store  zimbra-apache  zimbra-spell
Modify Configuration
Press Enter to modify the system. The selected packages are installed on the server.
At this point the Main menu displays the default entries for the Zimbra component you are installing. To expand the menu to see the configuration values type x and press Enter.
To navigate the Main menu, select the menu item to change. You can modify any of the defaults.
Common Configuration
Ldap master host: [set this to the FQDN of your LDAP server]
Ldap port: 389  [set this if your LDAP server isn’t using default]
Ldap Admin password: [this is your LDAP servers Root LDAP password]
	On LDAP server do : su – zimbra ; zmlocalconfig –s ldap_root_password
TimeZone: [set this]
For zimbra-store
Set the Admin Password
+License filename: UNSET [if you see this, then something is wrong with your 
LDAP configuration. It should of pulled the license info from the LDAP server.
Set the SMTP host
Type r to return to the Main menu, if you aren’t there already.
When the mailbox server is configured, return to the Main menu and type a to apply the configuration changes. Press Enter to save the configuration data.
When Save Configuration data to a file appears, press Enter.
The next request is where to save the files. To accept the default, press Enter. 
To save the files to another directory, enter the directory and then press Enter.
When “The system will be modified - continue?” appears type y and press Enter.
The server is modified. 
Installing all the components and configuring the server can take a few minutes.
When Installation complete - press return to exit displays, press Enter.
The installation of the mailbox server is complete.
Confirm server status
	su – zimbra ; zmcontrol status
Populate the ssh keys, on each server in your environment
su-zimbra ;  zmupdateauthkeys 
The key is updated on /opt/zimbra/.ssh/authorized_keys.

If your upgrading a Zimbra Server for a Archive and Discovery mailstore
	This will retain your current settings for the system. Your server will experience downtime during
		the upgrade.
untar zcs*.tar that matches your existing system
	cd zcs-version-directory
	choose upgrade
	select zimbra-archiving
The upgrade of the mailbox server is complete.
Confirm server status
	su – zimbra ; zmcontrol status
	Note, zimbra-archiving only runs as a service on a MTA server
Populate the ssh keys, on each server in your environment
su-zimbra ;  zmupdateauthkeys 
The key is updated on /opt/zimbra/.ssh/authorized_keys. 

Configure the Primary ZCS server for new mailbox and A&D.
Example mailstore hostname is :  archive.example.com
Go to your primary admin console url. [https://[example.com]:7071/zimbraAdmin]
		Confirm you see the new mailstore under Configuration > Servers
	Under Configuration > Servers > [MTA servername(s)] > Services
	[each MTA server needs this]
		You’ll see a box for Archiving and Discovery
			Check this to enable the MTA server(s) for Archiving and Discovery.
			This effectively does:
# zmprov ms mta.example.com +zimbraServiceInstalled archiving  +zimbraServiceEnabled archiving
	Go to Configuration > Class of Service > default [or your primary domain] > Server Pool
		You’ll want to make sure it’s limited to the correct server pools
			Your new mailstore for A&D should be unchecked.
		Click on New for a new Class of Server (COS)
			Call it archive or something similar
				Under Server Pool > Limit > have only the new mailstore checked
	Setup initial A&D with first account
		On LDAP server
		su – zimbra
format : zmarchiveconfig –s servername enable user@example.com archive-cos <cos>
example : zmarchiveconfig –s archive.example.com enable account@example.com archive-cos archive
	The above command will create the mail domain for the archive accounts using the template
defaults, user@example.com  to make example.com.archive
Back to the admin console
		Configuration > Domains > [domainname].archive > General
			Change “Default Class of Service” to your COS [archive]
	Address > Accounts
		You should see the archive account in here now.
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