
The printable version is no longer supported and may have rendering errors. Please update your browser bookmarks and please use the default browser print function instead.


Actual Logging Homepage

Please see Ajcody-Logging


Syslog Items

tail /etc/syslog.conf
local0.*                -/var/log/zimbra.log
auth.*                  -/var/log/zimbra.log
mail.*                -/var/log/zimbra.log

Restarting syslog

/etc/init.d/syslog restart

Where's It All Go?

Any stacktrace files will have the process id of the JVM appended to the filename.

In all releases 5.0.x and 4.5.x, this is the main mailbox application log:

  • /opt/zimbra/log/mailbox.log

In ZCS 5.0.x, the JVM output log and stacktrace files will be in /opt/zimbra/log/:

  • /opt/zimbra/log/zmmailboxd.out (jvm output log)
  • /opt/zimbra/log/stacktrace.<pid>

Meaning, changes to /opt/zimbra/conf/log4j.properties.in

This file, /opt/zimbra/conf/log4j.properties.in , also controls where some events are logged to.


# Appender AUDIT writes to the file "audit.log".
log4j.appender.AUDIT.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %-5p [%t] [%z] %c{1} - %m%n

Log Rotation and Removal

Please look at the output of your crontab - AS ZIMBRA, look for the "Log pruning" line.

crontab -l

And also the config files for logrotate:



What's up with all the logs?

Logging page resources:






The Bread And Butter Logs

/opt/zimbra/log/mailbox.log - This log is a mailboxd log4j server log containing the logs from the mailbox server. This includes the mailbox store, LMTP server, IMAP and POP servers, and Index server.

/opt/zimbra/log/zmmailbox.out - Mailstore not coming up and nothing is being logged in mailbox.log, check here for errors.

/var/log/zimbra.log - The Zimbra syslog details the activities of the Zimbra MTA (Postfix, amavisd, antispam, antivirus), Logger, Authentication (cyrus-sasl), and Directory (OpenLDAP). By default LDAP activity is logged to Zimbra.log.

/opt/zimbra/db/data/YOURHOSTNAME.err - This is the message store database error log.


Logging Increase

Depending on the ZCS version the below will clear all the per account loggers on zimbra reboot. IMAP is used for these examples.

zmprov aal user@domain.com zimbra.imap debug
zmprov ral user@domain.com zimbra.imap

If you want to do it globally edit /opt/zimbra/conf/log4j.properties.in (add a line at the end that's similar but like log4j.logger.zimbra.imap=DEBUG). No restart of any service is needed.

Log4J Variables

"zimbra.misc" logger. For all events that don't have a specific-catagory.

"zimbra.index" logger. For indexing-related events.

"zimbra.index.lucene" logger. For logging of low-level lucene operations (debug-level only)

"zimbra.searchstat" logger. For logging statistics about what kinds of searches are run

"zimbra.redolog" logger. For redolog-releated events.

"zimbra.lmtp" logger. For LMTP-related events.

"zimbra.smtp" logger. For SMTP-related events.

"zimbra.nio" logger. For NIO-related events.

"zimbra.imap" logger. For IMAP-related events.

"zimbra.imap" logger. For POP-related events.

"zimbra.mailbox" logger. For mailbox-related events.

"zimbra.calendar" logger. For calendar-related events.

"zimbra.im" logger. For instant messaging-related events.

"zimbra.account" logger. For account-related events.

"zimbra.gal" logger. For account-related events.

"zimbra.ldap" logger. For ldap-related events.

"zimbra.security" logger. For security-related events

"zimbra.soap" logger. For soap-related events

"zimbra.test" logger. For testing-related events

"zimbra.sqltrace" logger. For tracing SQL statements sent to the database

"zimbra.dbconn" logger. For tracing database connections

"zimbra.perf" logger. For logging performance statistics

"zimbra.cache" logger. For tracing object cache activity

"zimbra.filter" logger. For filter-related logs.

"zimbra.session" logger. For session- and notification-related logs.

"zimbra.backup" logger. For backup/restore-related logs.

"zimbra.system" logger. For startup/shutdown and other related logs.

"zimbra.sync" logger. For sync client interface logs.

"zimbra.synctrace" logger. For sync client interface logs.

"zimbra.syncstate" logger. For sync client interface logs.

"zimbra.wbxml" logger. For wbxml client interface logs.

"zimbra.extensions" logger. For logging extension loading related info.

"zimbra.zimlet" logger. For logging zimlet related info.

"zimbra.wiki" logger. For wiki and document sharing.

"zimbra.op" logger. Logs server operations

"zimbra.dav" logger. Logs dav operations

"zimbra.io" logger. Logs file IO operations.

"zimbra.datasource" logger. Logs data source operations.

remote management.

public static final Log rmgmt = LogFactory.getLog("zimbra.rmgmt");

"zimbra.webclient" logger. Logs ZimbraWebClient servlet and jsp operations.

"zimbra.scheduler" logger. Logs scheduled task operations.

"zimbra.store" logger. Logs filesystem storage operations.

"zimbra.fb" logger. Logs free/busy operations.

"zimbra.purge" logger. Logs mailbox purge operations.

"zimbra.mailop" logger. Logs changes to items in the mailbox.

Thread Dump To Mailbox.log

Run this command as root

for i in 1 2 3; do /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmmailboxdmgr threaddump; sleep 30; done

Hopefully the zmmailboxd.out will reflect the thread dumps.

A Better Way To Thread Dump?

Usage of the below script:

$0 FILENAME -dl [-frames #_ stack_frames] [-id REGEXP] [-all]
$0 FILENAME -dt [-frames #_ stack_frames] [-sort id|state] [-stack REGEXP] [-id REGEXP] [-state REGEXP] [-waiting NUMBER]
frames: controls the # lines of stack trace included in the output
id: only include where the id matches REGEXP
all: include ALL locks (not just ones that other threads are blocked-on)
sort: controls the order threads are printed out (locks always printed in lock ID order)
stack: only include threads where the thread's stack output matches REGEXP
state: only include threads where the thread state (e.g. RUNNABLE) matches REGEXP
waiting: only inclure threads are blocking other threads


$0 threads.txt -dt -stack MailboxIndex.java -state RUNNABLE -f 20
-- dumps all RUNNABLE threads with MailboxIndex.java on the stack (1st 20 lines of the stack)
$0 threads.txt -dl -f 0
-- dumps the list of locks in the system that are blocking at least one thread
$0 threads.txt -dt -f 0 -sort state
-- dumps a list of all the threads in the system and tells you their run state
$0 threads.txt -dt -f 20 -w 1
-- dumps a list of all the threads in the system that are blocking other threads (quick way to hunt for contention)

Working Example:

threadDumpAnalyzer.pl zmmailboxd.out -dl -f 100 ~/Desktop
threadDumpAnalyzer.pl Script
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Zimbra Collaboration Suite Server
# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Zimbra, Inc.
# The contents of this file are subject to the Yahoo! Public License
# Version 1.0 ("License"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.zimbra.com/license.
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;

my %locks;                      # by LockID - hash w/ 'owner','type'
my %threads;           # by threadId - hash w/ 'state' 'waitingOnLock'

my $filename = $ARGV[0];
my ($dumpLocks, $dumpThreads, $searchThreadStack, $searchThreadId, $stackFrames, $sort, $filterByState, $allLocks);
my ($waiting);

$stackFrames = 10;
$sort = "state";

           "dl" => \$dumpLocks,
           "dt" => \$dumpThreads,
           "frames=s" => \$stackFrames,
           "sort=s" => \$sort,
           "id=s" => \$searchThreadId,
           "state=s" => \$filterByState,
           "stack=s" => \$searchThreadStack,
           "waiting=s" => \$waiting,
           "all" => \$allLocks,

sub dumpLocks();
sub handleThread();
sub dumpThreads();
sub usage();
sub readFile($);
sub getBlockedThreads($);

if (!defined $filename) {


if (defined $dumpLocks) {
} elsif (defined $dumpThreads) {
} else {


sub usage() {
  my $usage = <<END_OF_USAGE;
    $0 FILENAME -dl [-frames #_ stack_frames] [-id REGEXP] [-all]
    $0 FILENAME -dt [-frames #_ stack_frames] [-sort id|state] [-stack REGEXP] [-id REGEXP] [-state REGEXP] [-waiting NUMBER]

    frames:  controls the # lines of stack trace included in the output
    id:      only include where the id matches REGEXP

    all:     include ALL locks (not just ones that other threads are blocked-on)

    sort:    controls the order threads are printed out (locks always printed in lock ID order)
    stack:   only include threads where the thread's stack output matches REGEXP
    state:   only include threads where the thread state (e.g. RUNNABLE) matches REGEXP
    waiting: only inclure threads are blocking other threads


    $0 threads.txt -dt -stack MailboxIndex.java -state RUNNABLE -f 20
        -- dumps all RUNNABLE threads with MailboxIndex.java on the stack (1st 20 lines of the stack)

    $0 threads.txt -dl -f 0
        -- dumps the list of locks in the system that are blocking at least one thread

    $0 threads.txt -dt -f 0 -sort state
        -- dumps a list of all the threads in the system and tells you their run state

    $0 threads.txt -dt -f 20 -w 1
        -- dumps a list of all the threads in the system that are blocking other threads (quick way to hunt for contention)

  die $usage;

sub mySort($$) {
  my ($a, $b) = @_;
  if ($sort eq "state") {
    my $state1 = $threads{$a}{state};
    my $state2 = $threads{$b}{state};
    if (!defined $state1) {
      return 1;
    } elsif (!defined $state2) {
      return -1;
    return $state1 cmp $state2;
  } else {
    return $a cmp $b;

sub padToWidth($$) {
  (my $str, my $width) = @_;
  if (!defined($str)) {
    $str = "";
  return sprintf "%-".$width.".".$width."s", $str;

sub formatStackTrace($$) {
  my ($stack, $indent) = @_;
  my $ret;
  if ($stackFrames == 0) { return ""; }
  my $num = $stackFrames;
  foreach my $line (split /\n/, $stack) {
    if ($num <= 0) {
      return $ret;
    $ret .= $indent.$line."\n";
  return $ret;

sub formatLock($) {
  my $lockId = shift;
  my $output = "$lockId - ";
  my $numData = 0;
  for my $data (keys %{ $locks{$lockId}}) {
    $output .= " $data=";
    $output .= $locks{$lockId}{$data};
  if ($numData == 0) { $output .= " UNKNOWN"; }
  return $output;

sub formatThread($) {
  my $threadId = shift;
  if (!defined $threadId) { return ""; }
  my $foo = padToWidth($threadId, 50);
  if (!defined($foo) || $foo eq "") {
    $foo = "ASDF";
  my $bar = $threads{$threadId}{state};
  if (!defined($bar) || $bar eq "") {
    $bar = "HJKL";
  my $ret = $foo.$bar."\n";
  if (defined $threads{$threadId}{waitingOnLock}) {
    $ret .= "\tWaiting for: ".formatLock($threads{$threadId}{waitingOnLock})."\n";

  my @blockedThreads = getBlockedThreads($threadId);
  for my $blockedThread (sort @blockedThreads) {
    $ret .= "\t$blockedThread is waiting on this thread\n";
  $ret .= formatStackTrace($threads{$threadId}{stack}, "\t  ");
  if ($stackFrames > 0) {
    $ret .= "\n";
  return $ret;

# given a lockId, return a list of the threads that are blocked on it
sub getLockWaiters($) {
  my $lockId = shift;
  my @ret;

  foreach my $threadId ( keys %threads ) {
    if (defined $threads{$threadId}{waitingOnLock}) {
      if ($threads{$threadId}{waitingOnLock} eq $lockId) {
        push @ret, $threadId;
  return @ret;

sub getLockOwner($) {
  my $lockId = shift();
  if (defined $locks{$lockId}) {
    if (defined $locks{$lockId}{owner}) {
      return $locks{$lockId}{owner};
    } else {
      return "";
  } else {
    return "";

# given a threadId, get a list of all other threads that are blocked
# on locks it is holding
sub getBlockedThreads($) {
  my $threadId = shift;
  my @ret;
  foreach my $lockId ( sort keys %locks ) {
    if (getLockOwner($lockId) eq $threadId) { # a lock we own
      my @blockedThreads = getLockWaiters($lockId); 
      foreach my $blockedThread (@blockedThreads) {
        push @ret, $blockedThread;
        push @ret, getBlockedThreads($blockedThread); #recurse!
  return @ret;

sub dumpLocks() {
  foreach my $lockId ( sort keys %locks ) {
    my $ret = "";
    my $numWaiters = 0;
    $ret .=  "LOCK: $lockId   ";
    for my $data (keys %{ $locks{$lockId}}) {
      $ret .=  "$data=";
      $ret .=  $locks{$lockId}{$data};
      $ret .=  ", ";
    $ret .= "\n";
    foreach my $threadId ( keys %threads ) {
      if (defined $threads{$threadId}{waitingOnLock}) {
        if ($threads{$threadId}{waitingOnLock} eq $lockId) {
          $ret .= "\tThread $threadId is waiting for this lock\n";
    $ret .= formatStackTrace($threads{getLockOwner($lockId)}{stack}, "\t");

    if ((!defined $searchThreadId) || ($lockId =~ /$searchThreadId/)) {
      if ($numWaiters > 0 || defined $allLocks) {
        if ($stackFrames > 0) {
          $ret .= "\n";
        print $ret;

sub dumpThreads() {
  foreach my $threadId ( sort { mySort($a, $b) } keys %threads ) {
    if (!defined $threadId) {
      # continue
    } elsif (defined $searchThreadStack && !($threads{$threadId}{stack} =~ /$searchThreadStack/)) {
      # continue
    } elsif (defined $searchThreadId && !($threadId =~ /$searchThreadId/)) {
      # continue
    } elsif (defined $filterByState && !($threads{$threadId}{state} =~ /$filterByState/)) {
      # continue
    } elsif (defined $waiting && (getBlockedThreads($threadId) < $waiting)) {
      # continue
    } else {
      print formatThread($threadId);

sub readFile($) {
  my $filename = shift;
  open IN, "<$filename" or die "couldn't open $filename";
  my @curThread;

  while (<>) {
    if ($_ eq "") {
      if (@curThread) {
        my $threadId;
        my @locksHeld;
        my $waitingOnLock;
        my $threadState;
        my $output;
        my $firstLineState;
        # 1stline
        my $line = shift @curThread;
        $output .= $line."\n";
        if ($line =~ /"(.*)"/) {
          $threadId = $1;
          if ($line =~/nid=0x[0-9a-f]+\s([a-zA-Z\s\.()]+)/) {
            $threads{$threadId}{state} = $1;

        } else {
          $threadId = $line;
        if ($threadId eq "") { $threadId = "none"; }
        # 2nd line
        $line = shift @curThread;
        if (defined $line) {
          $output .= $line."\n";
          if ($line =~ /State: ([A-Z_]+)/) {
            $threadState = $1;
            $threads{$threadId}{state} = $1;
          foreach $line (@curThread) {
            $output .= $line."\n";
            if ($line =~ /locked <(0x[0-9a-f]+)>\s?(.*)?/) {
              push @locksHeld, $1;
              $locks{$1}{owner} = $threadId;
              $locks{$1}{type} = $2;
            } elsif ($line =~ /- waiting to lock <(0x[0-9a-f]+)>/) {
              $waitingOnLock = $1;
              $threads{$threadId}{waitingOnLock} = $1;
            } elsif ($line =~ /- waiting to lock <(0x[0-9a-f]+)>/) {
              $waitingOnLock = $1;
              $threads{$threadId}{waitingOnLock} = $1;              
        } else {
          $threads{$threadId}{state} = "unknown";
        $threads{$threadId}{stack} = $output;
        undef @curThread;
    } else {
      push @curThread, $_;
  close IN;

Third Party Tools

You could also look at using Splunk and Nagios.




Nagios On Zimbra

This is a really rough draft for ideas I have in background. Shouldn't be used by anyone.

Configure Nagios to run on single server Zimbra box - Centos 5.x

Configure yum with repo and install nagios

vi /etc/yum.repos.d/Dag.repo
yum update
yum install nagios nagios-plugins nagios-devel nagios-plugins-nrpe

Move nagios.conf http file into main zimbra directory.

cp /etc/httpd/conf.d/nagios.conf /opt/zimbra/httpd/conf/extra/

Setup nagios to run as zimbra

vi /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg
**Change nagios user to zimbra**

Change ownership of directories from nagios to zimbra.

chown -R 500:500 /var/log/nagios/
chown -R 500:500 /etc/nagios/
chown -R 500:500 /usr/share/nagios/

Configure authentication within Nagios

vi /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg

Set up httpasswd's for the accounts for Nagios

htpasswd -c /etc/nagios/htpasswd.users nagiosadmin
htpasswd /etc/nagios/htpasswd.users guest

Configure Zimbra's http/apache to use nagios http config file

vi /opt/zimbra/conf/httpd.conf
**Add the following towards bottom**
# Include Nagios
Include /opt/zimbra/httpd/conf/extra/nagios.conf

Starting nagios is done as root

/etc/init.d/nagios start

Restarting apache for nagios issues would be done with (as zimbra)

zmapachectl stop
zmapachectl start

The webpage address to view Nagios will be like this:


Use the rest of this how-to to configure it now: http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/Nagios

MRTG - SNMP On Zimbra

This is a really rough draft for ideas I have in background. Shouldn't be used by anyone.

Configure yum with repo and install mrtg, net-snmp, net-snmp-utils

vi /etc/yum.repos.d/Dag.repo
yum update
yum instal mrtg net-snmp net-snmp-utils

Follow some how-to on setting up the basics.

Create a http config:

vi /opt/zimbra/httpd/conf/extra/mrtg.conf
Alias /mrtg "/opt/zimbra/mrtg"
<Directory "/opt/zimbra/mrtg">
#  SSLRequireSSL
  Options None
  AllowOverride None
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all
#  Order deny,allow
#  Deny from all
#  Allow from

Add mrtg to http configuration within zimbra:

vi /opt/zimbra/conf/httpd.conf
# Include Mrtg
Include /opt/zimbra/httpd/conf/extra/mrtg.conf

Restart apache:

zmapachectl stop
zmapachectl start

Create directory to hold mrtg data:

mkdir /opt/zimbra/mrtg

Address will be something like:


Web Client Logging

Debug (SOAP) via Browser

See http://wiki.zimbra.com/index.php?title=Web_Client_URL_Tricks&redirect=no

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