
Attention.png - This article is NOT official Zimbra documentation. It is a user contribution and may include unsupported customizations, references, suggestions, or information.

IM - Instant Messaging

Actual Instant Messaging Topics Homepage

Please see Ajcody-Instant-Messaging-Topics

When Will IM Be Out Of Beta - Update

Please track the following bug:

Performance Issues Caused By IM [BETA]

Please note, that this bug has had a significant enough impact on performance of production servers that we recommend not running IM [BETA] if you have no significant reason to do so.

To turn off IM:

zmprov -l -v mcf full zimbraXMPPEnabled FALSE

And then you'll need to start and start zimbra:

zmcontrol stop
zmcontrol start

Enabling IM [BETA] - 5+ ZCS Server

Check to see if it's enabled:

zmprov gacf zimbraXMPPEnabled

If it returns FALSE, you'll need to set it as TRUE:

zmprov -l -v mcf full zimbraXMPPEnabled TRUE

Now to enable via the COS's for the users. I'll assume you are using the COS called "default" for your domain below - change it if your using another COS for the variables below.

Check to see what current status is:

zmprov gc default zimbraFeatureIMEnabled
zmprov gc default zimbraFeatureInstantNotify

If they return FALSE, set them to TRUE.

zmprov -v mc default zimbraFeatureIMEnabled TRUE
zmprov -v mc default zimbraFeatureInstantNotify TRUE

And then you'll need to stop and start zimbra:

zmcontrol stop
zmcontrol start

What Happen to AOL IM and MSN?

From the 5.x Release Notes:

Note: Update about Instant Messaging feature - In order to ensure the scalability of our server software and provide a quality experience to our customers, we have removed IM interoperability with AOL and MSN that was present in previous 5.0.0 beta releases. This functionality may be restored in a future release.

3rd Party Client Setup Up Examples

Please see:

Additional information on those clients can also be found here:


Addresses things like group chat /conference rooms and so forth.

ZCS to ZCS IM Availability

Please review the following bug and note the DNS SRV entries I posted within it.

Integration With External IM Servers

Please see:

IM And Legal Intercept And Archiving

Please see:

This might also be relevant:

IM - Conference Rooms

Please see the RFE I made:

Also the bug/RFE about Conference rooms in Multi-Server Configurations

Embedded IM Requests To Join Chat Session In Html/Email

Formats are (I think, still investigating this):

You'll need to configure your OS to handle the protocol when called to, so that it launches the correct application.


Related Bugs & RFE's

Buddy Notification In ZWC

Please see:

Other General Bugs & RFE's

Please see:

Multi-Mailbox Setup Can Not Message Between Each Other

If this is a new setup, make sure you have DNS setup - Ajcody-Instant-Messaging-Topics#IM_And_DNS_SRV_Records .

Check the /opt/zimbra/log/mailbox.log on the mailstores. If you see something like:

2013-03-04 07:59:40,891 INFO [pool-7-thread-1] [] im - IMPersona(user@domain.com ONLINE pri=0 st=null) - Presence.error: <presence to="user@domain.com/zcs" from="yahoo.domain.com" type="error"><error code="404" type="cancel"><remote-server-not-found xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"/></error></presence> 

And you can find this type of error also there or when you run zimbra commands from the CLI:

Caused by: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
    at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Alerts.getSSLException(Alerts.java:174)

You are experiencing a certificate issue and should submit a support case if you need help resolving it.

IM And DNS SRV Records

Show ports are in use:

[root@mail3 ~]# lsof -P -n -i :5222
 java    5869 zimbra  143u  IPv6 6530439       TCP *:5222 (LISTEN)
[root@mail3 ~]# lsof -P -n -i :5269
 java    5869 zimbra  144u  IPv6 6530440       TCP *:5269 (LISTEN)
[root@mail3 ~]# lsof -P -n -i :5269

An example of what I've added to my internal DNS/BIND zone record:

$ttl 38400
zimbra.DOMAIN.com.    IN      SOA     zimbra.DOMAIN.com. ajcody.zimbra.DOMAIN.com. (
                        38400 )
                                              IN      NS         mail3.zimbra.DOMAIN.com.
zimbra.DOMAIN.com.                            IN      MX      10 mail3.zimbra.DOMAIN.com.

_xmpp-client._tcp.zimbra.DOMAIN.com.          SRV     5 0 5222 mail3.zimbra.DOMAIN.com.
_xmpp-server._tcp.zimbra.DOMAIN.com           SRV     5 0 5269 mail3.zimbra.DOMAIN.com.
_jabber._tcp.zimbra.DOMAIN.com.               SRV     5 0 5269 mail3.zimbra.DOMAIN.com.

mail3		IN	A

The _jabber._tcp if for backward compatibility for older servers and shouldn't be necessary.

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