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Calendar Issues

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Some Helpful Scripts To Run Against ICS File


Will determine if an event has attendees but is missing an organizer. Normally, customers will delete the event and just recreate it with the information that is present from the output.

usage : ./parseics.pl filename.ics


$file = $ARGV[0];

if (!$file)
	print "Must specify filename.\n";
elsif (!-e $file)
	print "File does not exist!\n";
	#print "File exists. Continuing...\n";
	open(ICS, "<$file");
	@ics = <ICS>;
	for ($i=0;$i<=$#ics;$i++)
		if ($ics[$i] =~ "BEGIN:VEVENT")
			#print "vevent start\n";
			while ($ics[$i+1] !~ "END:VEVENT")
				$event .= $ics[$i];
				if ($ics[$i] =~ "ORGANIZER")
				if ($ics[$i] =~ "ATTENDEE")
			#print "vevent end\n";
			if ($attendee && !$organizer)
				$event .= $ics[$i];
				$event .= $ics[$i+1];
				print "Invalid event.  Attendee but no organizer present!\n";
				print $event;
	print "$errors error(s) out of a total of $events events present.\n";


# ical-parse.pl
# b 2008 03 12
#insist on an input file
if ( scalar(@ARGV) < 1 ) { print "Please specify a filename.\n" and usage() and exit; }
my $infile = shift @ARGV;
$numevents = qx/grep BEGIN:VEVENT $infile | wc -l/;
chomp $numevents;
$numevents =~ s/[^0-9]//g;

$inVEVENT = $FALSE; # track whether we are in the middle of a vevent
@currentVEVENT=(''); # hold the lines of the current vevent in this array (this will hog memory :()

open( INFILE, $infile ) or die "Could not open $infile for read: $!";
while ($line = <INFILE> ) {
	chomp $line;
	if ( $line =~ m/^BEGIN:VEVENT$/ ) { # case I.
		($inVEVENT) and die "Error: found new BEGIN:VEVENT without END:VEVENT\n";
		$inVEVENT = $TRUE;
	elsif ( $line =~ m/^END:VEVENT$/ ) { # case II.
		(!$inVEVENT) and die "Error: found END:VEVENT without BEGIN:VEVENT\n";
		push(@currentVEVENT, $line);
		$size = $#currentVEVENT;
		$zeros = zeropad($eventcount, $numevents); #eh ever heard of sprintf
		$outfile = "${zeros}${eventcount}-${summary}-${size}.ics";
		open( OUTFILE, ">>", $outfile ) or die "Could not open $outfile for write: $!";
		foreach $l (@currentVEVENT) {
			print OUTFILE "$l\n";
		close OUTFILE;
		$inVEVENT=$FALSE; $summary=''; $size=0; @currentVEVENT=('');
	elsif ( ($temp) = ( $line =~ m/^SUMMARY:(.*)$/ ) ) { # case III.A.
		$summary = $temp; #forget why temp
		$summary =~ s/[^-a-zA-Z0-9.]/_/g;
		push(@currentVEVENT, $line);
	elsif ($inVEVENT) { # case III.
		push(@currentVEVENT, $line);


 A. (inVEVENT) and error: previous event not closed
 B. (else) set inVEVENT, start array, push line
 A. (inVEVENT) push line, write array, unset inVEVENT, unset summary, empty array
 B. (else) error: no event started
III. <event line>
 A (matches ^SUMMARY:) and set summary, push line
IV. <non event line>


sub usage {
    print "Usage: $0 <ical file>\nWrites a new file for each VEVENT\n";
sub zeropad() { #num-to-pad, total-with-max-digits, return 0...
	for ($x=0; $x < ($max-$curr); $x++) {
		$pad .= '0';
	return "$pad";
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