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As the zimbra user, update zimbraMtaRestriction. I've added all the other restrictions that Zimbra suggests to add as well, including several Realtime Blackhole Lists (RBL). The important one is at the end.

   root# su - zimbra
   zimbra$ zmprov mcf zimbraMtaRestriction reject_invalid_hostname \
   zimbraMtaRestriction reject_non_fqdn_sender \
   zimbraMtaRestriction "check_policy_service inet:"

Edit /opt/zimbra/conf/

  %%contains VAR:zimbraMtaRestriction check_policy_service inet:

Now restart zimbra, and it should all just work!

  root# su - zimbra
  zimbra$ zmcontrol stop
  zimbra$ zmcontrol start

Good luck, and enjoy.


Daniel Eugenin M. IT Linux Ltda.

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