CLI zmtlsctl to set Web Server Mode

Revision as of 16:19, 22 October 2007 by Mmorse (talk | contribs)


This command is used to set the Web server zimbraMailMode to the different communication protocol options. All modes use SSL encryption for back-end administrative traffic & the admin console.

The webserver has to be stopped and restarted for the change to take effect. Though a full zmcontrol stop/start certainly can't hurt.


zmtlsctl [mode]

mode choices:

http - http only, the user would browse to

https - https only, the user would browse to They may or may not get a 302 redirect if they visit http://

mixed - If the user goes to http:// it will redirect to https:// for the login only, then will revert to http:// for normal session traffic. If they browse to https:// then they will stay https://

both - A user can go to http:// or https:// and will keep that mode for their entire session

Few quirks with 'both' mode:

-On older versions there was some problems

-Seems to have worked fine from 4.5.2 to 4.5.5? but then more problems appeared

-As a quick fix, now when 'both' is selected, it defaults to 'mixed'

(So please test your functionality afterwards if you have attempted 'both' mode)

Beginning with ZCS 5.0:

redirect - like mixed, if the user goes to http:// it will redirect to https:// but they will stay https:// for their entire session.

Steps to run


Type zmtlsctl [mode] , press Enter.


Type zmcontrol stop , press Enter.


after everything stops, type zmcontrol start , press Enter.

Note: In you can also use tomcat stop/start, but in v5 this becomes jetty.

Also: Immediately check to be sure everything's set correctly.

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